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International Cadet Cup by the lake Balaton
FacebookTwitterInternational Cadet Cup Finals were organized between July 12-14 by the lake Balaton, in Balatonakarattya, Hungary and the obstacles for the race were provided by Running Warriors.

Half a thousand youngsters at the Hungarian Cadet Cup 2022
FacebookTwitter509 youngsters registered to the 2022 edition of the Hungarian Cadet Cup organized by the Hungarian Military Sport Association in Bánk on May 27, where the obstacles were provided by Running Warriors. This means that the number of participants doubled compared to last year. The weather was bright, while the cadets were fantastic. The future…

5000 meters with 22 obstacles
FacebookTwitterThe Hungarian National OCR Obstacle Trail Race Championship was organised on July 23, 2021, in Szentes, Hungary at the drill ground of the Hungarian Military. The OCR obstacles were provided by Running Warriors.

Introducing OCR100 at the Kecskemét Airshow
FacebookTwitter Thanks to the fantastic organization, with nearly 120 000 visitors during the two-day-long event, after eight years the Kecskemét Airshow was successfully organized again between August 28-29. 2021. And thanks to the Hungarian National Defense Sports Association the Running Warriors team was also present at the event, and for the first time ever in…

First ever OCR100 sprint race in Hungary
FacebookTwitterThe first ever OCR100 sprint race in Hungary took place on September 11. 2021, in Nyíregyháza, and had nearly hundred participants. The OCR100 sprint race was organized by Running Warriors, while the location was provided by the team of Extreme Trail, for what we are grateful for. After the successful introductory race, we hope that…

Pentathlon athletes tested Running Warriors OCR obstacles
FacebookTwitterOn 21. December junior pentathlon athletes could try out an OCR obstacle course in Budapest, which was provided by Running Warriors to the Hungarian Modern Pentathlon Association. Athletes can practice on the obstacles until 26. January 2023, what is especially important for them, because from 2024 obstacle race will replace the horse riding in modern…