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EFOTT 2021 Festival, Velence
FacebookTwitterIn 2021 people could not only party at the EFOTT festival, (the oldest festival of Hungary, the first one was organised in 1976) at the shore of the Lake Velencei, but they also had the chance to try out the RUNNING WARRIORS obstacles as well, and so numerous youngsters were introduced to the OCR sport…
Military Cadet Obstacle Running Race at Bánk
FacebookTwitter266 students from 15 different high schools had participated on May 31. 2021, at the Military Cadet Obstacle Running Race at Bánk, which was organized as part of the Hungarian Military Cadet Cup by the Hungarian National Defense Sports Association and the Hungarian OCR Sport Association, while the obstacles were provided by RUNNING WARRIORS.
RUNNING WARRIORS obstacles at the International Cadet Cup
FacebookTwitterInternational Cadet Cup Finals were organized between July 12-14 by the lake Balaton, in Balatonakarattya, Hungary and the obstacles for the race were provided by Running Warriors.
OCR Europan Championships with Running Warriors obstacles
FacebookTwitterThe 6. OCR European Championships took place in Tata, Hungary in the first half of June (8-11. June 2023.). The 1500 athletes, who arrived to the event from 31 countries, met with Running Warriors obstacles both at the short and the standard course (3 and 12 km), while the whole course of the OCR100 was…
Hungarian National OCR Trail Running Championship at Szentes
FacebookTwitterThe Hungarian National OCR Obstacle Trail Race Championship was organised on July 23, 2021, in Szentes, Hungary at the drill ground of the Hungarian Military. The OCR obstacles were provided by Running Warriors.